Body & Spiritual Psychotherapist | Couples Therapist | Coach

Anne Jørgensen

I have been involved in various forms of therapy, coaching, self-development, and meditation since 1986. I am the owner of the company, and am one of the pioneers in self-development.

About Anne jørgensen

Since 1986, I have supported people in challenging their limited mindset, to expand their consciousness and the qualities of the heart. I have been an inspirer in supporting people to carry out their mission, as the person they fundamentally are, so their heartiness can be expressed. The world NEEDS people who stand up for themselves and give their sincere contribution from there. We have no time to waste.

Through this immersion, I have, among other things, as a spiritual psychotherapist and coach, body psychotherapist, and process leader, supported women and men in achieving a far more heartfelt and proactive stance.

I am known for teaching in a gentle, efficient, intuitive, dynamic, and organic way, with deep knowledge and experience that the key to your soul, creativity, joy of life, and freedom is found in the heart.

I am the author of the book: “Churned by the sea”. It is a personal account of going behind identity, when I let go of everything in Denmark and moved to India for some years.

Live a life with trust, power, and heartfelt energy

By uncovering and integrating the wisdom of the heart, which resides in all of us, you can take a more direct path to a life in balance. You yourself hold the solution and the answers to many of the imbalances or frustrations you might be dealing with in your life. Yet, it’s not just nice, but necessary, to have someone by your side in that exploration. And I wholeheartedly support in that process, by standing right by your side. So, I can show you, in the mirror of your own heart, who you are. I teach you to trust what your heart tells you concretely.

The path there is different for everyone. I contribute with various forms in the process: For example, self-development, spiritual psychotherapy, body psychotherapy coaching, mindfulness, heartfulness, meditation, and yoga. I support you in re-establishing contact with the many layers you encompass. Through this process, you can return to your own nature.

Discover how special you are. Where you don’t see it, I’ll help you polish your mirror.

Are you looking for a change in your life?

You may not know exactly what you need my support for when you first come. That’s not crucial. You don’t have to be able to put everything into words. In fact, it’s very common that as we deepen our conversation, you discover what it is you truly need. And how important it is that it now becomes a reality.

Imbalance can manifest in as many ways as there are people. It might show up as stress, anxiety, fatigue, anger, emptiness, or severe mood swings – but, it’s not at all certain it will present as a physical or outward symptom. The imbalance just lays a dampening smokescreen over your life. It’s a shame because it doesn’t have to be that way. You deserve a life in colors.

Often, it’s about neglecting one’s own needs and creativity – or one’s essence – over a long period. What does your heart, for example, say? Do you ignore it, or the signals that your body and mind – indeed, your entire consciousness – are giving you? Then you lose contact with your own nature. And that’s sad. The good news is that this connection to yourself can be rediscovered. For it resides within you, and would very much like to be uncovered, so it becomes a lived life in the outer world as well.

I myself have previously in life been governed by internal notions of how I should live my life until I realized that it was actually far from what I deeply felt was true for me. It was a liberation to reach that recognition at first – only then did I begin to live.



I work in a holistic and organic way. This means that I include multiple levels, depending on what you might need: The emotional, the physical, the mental, the energetic, and the spiritual.


You will be surprised by how much energy and surplus is released when you confront old emotions and forgotten aspects of yourself – and what you deep down know is right for you. When you (re)discover the connection to yourself, then you can also take deeper responsibility for your life. It is you who will decide which direction you want to go – because you know what suits you. And you act on it. Naturally, this will create increased freedom and joy in your life.


I offer programs, courses, and retreats for groups, but you can also choose a couple’s journey. This could be in couples therapy with your partner or deepening with a business partner. It’s all about relationships and the patterns that are activated when we work more closely together: As siblings, partners, or business partners.

my background

In addition to a pedagogical background, I am a certified psychotherapist and body psychotherapist. Spiritual training and development have been integrated into my work since 1999. The development of the heart’s resources, on multiple levels, is the common thread throughout my professional life.

I have engaged in everything from coaching, personal development, and self-improvement to project management and continuing education.


  • Certified psychotherapist from the Gestalt Academy, Scandinavia, 1986. Individual and group therapist.
  • Certified body psychotherapist from the Institute for Life Energy, CA 2001 (L.E.P) – individual, group, and couples therapist.
  • Certified process leader and coach, CA 2004.
  • From 1999 to 2019, dedicated student in the continuous training program Path of No Way®, an exploration of our essential nature. It was led by my recently deceased spiritual teacher Stèphano Sabetti.
  • Yoga teacher from Creative Yoga School, Copenhagen.

The L.E.P body psychotherapy education is approved by EABP (European Association for Body-Psychotherapy) and Reflektor (approved in relation to the cross-ministerial quality criteria for private psychotherapist educations (developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of the Interior and Health in 2004.)) Also approved by the Danish Psychotherapist Association.


  • Design, sale, and implementation of continuing education courses, “Personal Leadership” (since 1996).
  • Design and implementation of a part of the project management education in a Danish region.
  • Team and leadership development for Danish companies and some foreign ones.
  • Design and establishment of team culture in connection with the merger of several organizations in municipal contexts, conducted in seminar form as well as a multi-year training program.
  • Instructor abroad at an International Body Therapeutic Institute.
  • Pedagogical leader of a 1-year continuing education at a larger Scandinavian psychotherapeutic institute.
  • Process leader for the management of a larger international company.
  • Coaching at all levels.

And what exactly is heartfulness?

L.E.P. is based on the scientific research of universal life energy, which underpins all change processes. Research shows that any open system seeks towards wholeness and develops health if the energy flows freely. For various reasons, this free flow is often disturbed, and thus problems arise on different levels such as organizational, physical, psychological, and social.

The founder, Dr. Stèphano Sabetti, from Boston University, has developed L.E.P. through more than 35 years of work and has subsequently developed the Path of No Way® – heartfulness training, which is the methodology I have worked from for many years – and further developed.

I am an approved member here and follow their ethical guidelines:

Member of ICEEFT (International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy)

Member of the Danish Psychotherapist Association – MPF

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