Join a week-long retreat “From Mindfulness to Heartfulness” in November 2024, where through hiking, silence, meditation, and yoga in the mountains south of Barcelona and close to the sea, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself through movement, silence, hiking, dance, dialogue, and yoga.

This course offers a well-deserved break for self-care and immersion, where I will support you in exploring the wisdom of your heart and help you recognize your unique value.

Registration is no later than September 10, 2024


You have a desire to stop prioritizing the wrong things, so you choose what is truly right for you.

You want to get better at listening to yourself. Pause and be quiet, so you can (again) feel the connection to your innermost self.

It’s time for change in your life, perhaps on several levels, but you lack inspiration to boost your energy, so you can bring joy and vitality into your daily routine.

You dream of a life with much more joy and less obligation.


At this retreat, you learn through mindfulness and heartfulness to listen to your intuition and trust what your heart tells you. It’s a sensual, nourishing, and life-giving journey for body and soul. It’s a pause for self-indulgence because it’s deep learning about yourself in your life and what you want from it. You’ll take home concrete tools that help you change patterns and habits that are currently preventing you from living the life you deeply want to unfold.

We stay in a fabulously beautiful Catalan country house, built 420 years ago and lovingly modernized. It’s located just south of Barcelona in the mountains – and at the same time, close to the water. There is room for 10 people at the retreat, so we are a small intimate group.

We have our own chef who prepares delicious, fresh, and flavorful food.


Being in mutual relation is a need and a fundamental condition for us humans. It is where we develop, thrive, or struggle. It is where we have all learned a lot about how to express ourselves or hold back. All that learning shows up in relationships and can easily feel like a limitation to your freedom of movement. Therefore, we will ensure that you don’t have to “fit in” but explore what is true for you.

Perhaps you already perceive yourself as a quite free and easy-going person, and that’s just wonderful. But maybe there are still resources you feel you could benefit from unfolding more in your contact with others?

Here you have the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, your habitual habits, and ways of acting, with heartfelt support. That way, you create a freer space to move in.


It’s a unique learning opportunity to live together in the community and open space we create, where everyone is committed to learning. And where everyone contributes with themselves in their own way and at their own pace.

As a teacher and human being, I bring myself with a high degree of presence, integrity, gentleness, humor, and solid knowledge, to support the open space we create together. And I also value the individual encounter within our community.


You will go home with deep insights, a lighter heart, and wiser about yourself.

You will receive all the support you need to see – and the opportunity to change – some of the habits and behaviors that currently hold you back from being who you truly are.

Your learning is integrated in a very simple and direct way. It’s a unique opportunity to truly learn to “walk the talk.”

What you learn in the group sessions is carried out into your “breaks.” And there you see how you act, or react to what you have just learned. You can bring that with you into your own process and adjust if necessary. Or simply rejoice in what you have learned and give it time to settle in.

The retreat is not just a week of hiking, meditation, yoga, dance, and from Mindfulness to Heartfulness; it’s so much more than that.


You wish to deepen your connection to the heart. And at the same time, you want to enjoy the sense of unity that arises when we all in the group dare to be vulnerable. This is crucial for breaking patterns. And from there, bring what you’ve learned into contact with each other, so you learn right here and right now.

You are seriously spiritually interested, and you know that it’s crucial to deepen what’s important, not just what’s comfortable, so transformation can take place. You’ll have a great opportunity to practice and experience the deeper connection you’ve gained. It’s so enlightening.

You have previously undergone individual therapy, or have similar experience, which has given you a good foundation for this exploration.


Through mindfulness, you become aware of patterns and ways you handle life. Observing these patterns helps you to be present and see new possibilities. For example, things that need to be changed? This increases your clarity on boundaries, among other things.

Through heartfulness, you learn to open up more to the heart, which is the endless space of devotion to what is, and the liberation from who you think you are. You become more true to yourself.

We will, among other things, use techniques for deep breathing. This is vital for the connection with the body – and for presence. You’ll get meditative exercises that can be used in everyday life. By sinking more into the body and being in it, there is an opportunity to feel some of its potential in the present moment. Together, we create a focused space for this exploration and gain direct experience.

When tensions are localized, there is an opportunity to dissolve them, thereby releasing withheld potential so that the unexplored life can be expressed. You’ll have a more vibrant body with increased circulation.

I, Anne, am your instructor and guide on the retreat

I am a trained psychotherapist, body therapist, process leader, coach, and yoga teacher, and in 1986, I founded Lifeprocess, which has gradually been built up over my own developmental process.

I have been conducting mindfulness courses and retreats both domestically and internationally since 1998 – and I love it.

Earlier in life, I myself felt constricting bonds of old learned ideas about how I should live my life. Until gradually, I learned to uncover the layers and discovered that the ideals were actually a defense created for survival. It was only then that I truly began to live. And the same opportunity I would like to pass on to you.

The wonderful thing is that it’s contagious, the free space that is created when one peels away the layers and finds oneself (again). Others are welcome here too – there is room for everyone’s hearts.

I inspire and lead the process throughout the week, weaving together the threads of learning. We do not conduct psychotherapy. The retreat is a self-development journey. Stories of the past are of course welcome, but we focus solely on how they manifest in the present.

I work process-oriented, allowing space for the life we all bring and which arises organically. We will, among other things, hike in the beautiful area and use nature, its beauty, power, and silence, for deepening and enjoyment. We also use yoga, meditation, dynamic movement, and dance to increase contact with the body and support increased awareness. We incorporate elements of mindfulness and heartfulness.


Date: November 2024 – exact dates to be announced soon.

Time: Arrival and departure days are on Saturdays. The course itself lasts for 5 days. (There is a day off on Friday.)

Participants: There is space for 10 people on the retreat, so we are a small intimate group.

Food: We have our own chef who prepares delicious, fresh, and flavorful meals.

Accommodation: We will stay in a fabulously beautiful Catalan country house, built 420 years ago, and meticulously modernized with great respect. It is located just south of Barcelona in the mountains – and also close to the sea.

Covid-19: If applicable at the time, please kindly arrive with a fresh Covid test, even if you are vaccinated. This is for us to ensure, as best we can, that no one is a carrier.

Total price: Approximately 17,460 DKK + flight to Barcelona approximately 800 DKK.
(Increased course fee for businesses, see below)

Prisen inkluderer

Course fee for private individuals: 6,190 DKK.
Course fee for businesses: 9,190 DKK + VAT.

  • Board and lodging: 6,060 DKK in shared double room. Single room supplement 1,580 DKK.
  • Supplement for hiking guide: 150 DKK.
  • Transport: Airport bus, train, or taxi to the location costs approximately 160 DKK.
  • Supplement for Travel Guarantee Fund: 400 DKK.

The sooner you buy your flight ticket, the cheaper it will be. And I am happy to assist with the booking. Please purchase the ticket only after we have been in contact.

Registration deadline: September 10, 2024.


Book an appointment for a clarifying free conversation if we don’t know each other.

We’ll meet for about 20 minutes to establish contact and clarify needs, either at my practice in Østerbro, or if you live far away, online.

If you want to know more about the course, don’t hesitate to call or send an email: 
Tlf. 24 89 10 71 |

Registration deadline: No later than September 10, 2024.

Strengthen your intuition in a simple way through the body

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